Gender Differences In Networking
Working together as a team, and working at building our business, BOTH require a certain level of gender correctness, & finesse. Whether you are a man, or a woman, you work with the opposite gender, you market to the opposite gender, and you absolutely must become a successful negotiator with BOTH genders!
In network marketing, as well as the standard work environment,
gender differences can cause problems. No amount of legislation is ever going to guarantee the type of equality that women want, nor will it be able to assure the freedom, to exercise their natural masculine roles that men want. To expect otherwise is to court disappointment.
However in network marketing, women have an edge that they are not liable to find elsewhere, and if the men, & women who are working this business use it as a basis for recruiting purposes, it can be very powerful!
What is it? Women can earn the same amount of pay, for the same amount of results as a man!
This can be a vastly satisfying experience! It is a very liberating thought for the general female work force. No longer being on the receiving end of gender discrimination, AND receiving equal pay, for equal work, can be a great sales hook, for getting more ladies into your business.
If you are a male, it may require a certain amount of sales approach adjustment though.
A significant way men may lose a woman’s business, is in the way that they listen, or don’t listen! WHY? Women tend to take it personally when the person she is dealing with, appears to not care about her issues. Women, who are natural listeners, and nurturers, require it for themselves. Men are impressed by a confident manner. Women are impressed, by being LISTENED TO! Men buy into lengthy resumes. Women buy into good interaction!
The qualities that women possess, and require of others, can be likened to quality fertilizer for exotic plants. These qualities can reap results, as well as beautifying your organization.
Never think however that this means that women are to be viewed as a delicate show-pieces, for this is NOT TRUE!
· 80 cents out of every dollar, that is spent today, is being spent by a woman. This means that she is your primary customer material, and because women-owned businesses are 3 X’s as likely to survive as a mans, she should also become your primary business prospect. The primary reason for women-owned businesses survival rate involves their market awareness learned through hours, and hours of shopping. SHE KNOWS THE MARKETPLACE!
· Statistically women-owned businesses employ more workers than all of the fortune 500 companies put together! She is literally taking over the import, export business today, pulling way ahead of her male counterparts!
· She is the primary decision making shopper in every family. As such has a unique awareness of the buying habits of her peers, the cost versus value ratio, in-demand products, and why, and first hand knowledge of the rationale behind decision versus impulse buying.
· She, above everyone else has mastered the referral ethic. It is in her nature to share information on items, and services that she finds to be of REAL value!
· She is in a nutshell, not only a buyer, but a market analyst as well!
· Her diversity, in wearing many hats, is not matched by her male counterparts in general. Studies show that she can be viewed as more versatile, because she is!
Learning to gently, but firmly, gain her interest, and her trust, by tapping into the above skills can make you, and her very successful! On the other hand, without understanding the emotional, & inborn gender personality needs, both men, & women offend, neglect, and turn off potential business associates, and customers!
The skills necessary to successfully sail the gender sea, are not taught in school, sales seminars, nor at motivational retreats. In fact until just recently most professionals did not even recognize the existence of, or the methodology necessary to cater to those gender differences.
You may have the best company, & great products, but if your gender skills are sadly lacking, or missing altogether, your prospect may end up going elsewhere. The greatest insult of all may occur, they may join your company, but not under you. You may feel as if you had egg on your face, and you probably do!
Taking the time to understand gender specific needs, and signals, and aim your presentation accordingly will not only assist you in building your business on a personal level, but will aid you in training your organization to become more effective. Be the first to set the standard in this area, in your company, and you may find that this ‘new mouse trap’ approach will bring people flocking to your door!
Example: Women quite often fail to take credit for their accomplishments, not because they feel inadequate or weak, but because they feel that it is impolite. They tend to say we, when a man will say I. Because of this inherent difference, men may believe a woman associate weak, or less confident, when in actuality she is expressing her reticent nature, feeling that that would be rude. This is just one example of gender differences causing misconceptions.
On the other hand, women assume, wrongly, that if they work hard, others will notice, and give them credit. Sorry Gals, wrong assumption! Women must learn the art of self-promotion, in order to succeed in the male dominated business arena. When a star gets top billing from a studio, it is not because the studio recognized her as a top star, but because her agent negotiated that position for her.. Men already know inherently about self-promotion. Their hormonal makeup supplies that incentive. Women must learn to acquire it.
Of course there are always exceptions to the rules, a reticent male, more aggressive women, but remember, they are exceptions.
How Do You, As A Business Builder, & Leader Utilize This Material?
Men, & women working together for the same goals, and receiving the same pay in networking, for their efforts, is a great step forward, but it also carries some pitfalls. Among those pitfalls, is the inability to gender communicate.
Wanting to know just how pervasive a problem it might be, I asked several friends in various companies, and of various genders, to present their opportunities to me. I have to say, that in all honesty, I was primed to look for mistaken terminologies, and attitudes, ergo, this was not a strictly clean test result. However it was enlightening to say the least.
Over the years, I have worked with many different networking entities, and after listening to their presentations, I had mentally altered it to fit my female gender criteria. Now, at the time I didn’t realize that that was why I was revising it, but now I do! Here is a sample of what I would do:
1. Mentally I noted that what I was hearing, was not what I, as a woman wanted to know, or hear, so I added those things.
2. I not only allowed more time for questions, I inserted answers into the presentation. I did this by asking questions. What are you looking for? How much time do you envision being able to give to this business? How do you feel about networking? etc.
3. Lastly, I allowed time for observations based on the answers I received. People in general, and women in particular, like to know that they have been listened to. So, while I have listed this as item #3, it is not last in importance by any means!
I did this unconsciously, because they were men, and I was a woman! Will every woman do this? NO, that is why this information is so critical!
Communication skills are an important tool! Learning to aim at our target audience, whether male or female, may eventually mean the difference between success or failure. Why do I say this? We have a tremendous field of competition to deal with today, on the internet, and off. Many companies are adopting more lucrative pay plans, and updating their productlines to reflect the desires of the public. At some point, payplans, and products cease to be as critical an issue, as selling techniques, and savvy!
*Recommended reading: Mars & Venus In The Workplace by John Gray, Ph.D.
“ In an environment where people closely guard their personal feelings, the ability to anticipate what others may be feeling, wanting, and needing gives both men, & women a tremendous advantage.” John Gray, Ph.D.
** It’s Happening Today: US Commerce Secretary Donald L. Evans spoke on Fox Network 4/28/2004, and reiterated the phenomenal growth of ‘Women Owned’ Businesses. He said Women Owned Businesses are not only more successful, but employ more people then “Men Owned’ Businesses in general.” And that, “While it is true that many families are two income families ‘Women Owned Businesses’ comprise a large portion of that figure.
PS I would also like to add that although the differences exist in every work environment they become far more critical in an environment where there is NO face-to-face interaction! Networking does not always allow for the very interaction that is so critical to effective teamwork! Therefore, understanding gender differences can be a valuable tool for those who must interact long distance.
Beverly Armstrong
Official AdlandPro Network Marketing Publication & Tutorial Advisor
Working together as a team, and working at building our business, BOTH require a certain level of gender correctness, & finesse. Whether you are a man, or a woman, you work with the opposite gender, you market to the opposite gender, and you absolutely must become a successful negotiator with BOTH genders!
In network marketing, as well as the standard work environment,
gender differences can cause problems. No amount of legislation is ever going to guarantee the type of equality that women want, nor will it be able to assure the freedom, to exercise their natural masculine roles that men want. To expect otherwise is to court disappointment.
However in network marketing, women have an edge that they are not liable to find elsewhere, and if the men, & women who are working this business use it as a basis for recruiting purposes, it can be very powerful!
What is it? Women can earn the same amount of pay, for the same amount of results as a man!
This can be a vastly satisfying experience! It is a very liberating thought for the general female work force. No longer being on the receiving end of gender discrimination, AND receiving equal pay, for equal work, can be a great sales hook, for getting more ladies into your business.
If you are a male, it may require a certain amount of sales approach adjustment though.
A significant way men may lose a woman’s business, is in the way that they listen, or don’t listen! WHY? Women tend to take it personally when the person she is dealing with, appears to not care about her issues. Women, who are natural listeners, and nurturers, require it for themselves. Men are impressed by a confident manner. Women are impressed, by being LISTENED TO! Men buy into lengthy resumes. Women buy into good interaction!
The qualities that women possess, and require of others, can be likened to quality fertilizer for exotic plants. These qualities can reap results, as well as beautifying your organization.
Never think however that this means that women are to be viewed as a delicate show-pieces, for this is NOT TRUE!
· 80 cents out of every dollar, that is spent today, is being spent by a woman. This means that she is your primary customer material, and because women-owned businesses are 3 X’s as likely to survive as a mans, she should also become your primary business prospect. The primary reason for women-owned businesses survival rate involves their market awareness learned through hours, and hours of shopping. SHE KNOWS THE MARKETPLACE!
· Statistically women-owned businesses employ more workers than all of the fortune 500 companies put together! She is literally taking over the import, export business today, pulling way ahead of her male counterparts!
· She is the primary decision making shopper in every family. As such has a unique awareness of the buying habits of her peers, the cost versus value ratio, in-demand products, and why, and first hand knowledge of the rationale behind decision versus impulse buying.
· She, above everyone else has mastered the referral ethic. It is in her nature to share information on items, and services that she finds to be of REAL value!
· She is in a nutshell, not only a buyer, but a market analyst as well!
· Her diversity, in wearing many hats, is not matched by her male counterparts in general. Studies show that she can be viewed as more versatile, because she is!
Learning to gently, but firmly, gain her interest, and her trust, by tapping into the above skills can make you, and her very successful! On the other hand, without understanding the emotional, & inborn gender personality needs, both men, & women offend, neglect, and turn off potential business associates, and customers!
The skills necessary to successfully sail the gender sea, are not taught in school, sales seminars, nor at motivational retreats. In fact until just recently most professionals did not even recognize the existence of, or the methodology necessary to cater to those gender differences.
You may have the best company, & great products, but if your gender skills are sadly lacking, or missing altogether, your prospect may end up going elsewhere. The greatest insult of all may occur, they may join your company, but not under you. You may feel as if you had egg on your face, and you probably do!
Taking the time to understand gender specific needs, and signals, and aim your presentation accordingly will not only assist you in building your business on a personal level, but will aid you in training your organization to become more effective. Be the first to set the standard in this area, in your company, and you may find that this ‘new mouse trap’ approach will bring people flocking to your door!
Example: Women quite often fail to take credit for their accomplishments, not because they feel inadequate or weak, but because they feel that it is impolite. They tend to say we, when a man will say I. Because of this inherent difference, men may believe a woman associate weak, or less confident, when in actuality she is expressing her reticent nature, feeling that that would be rude. This is just one example of gender differences causing misconceptions.
On the other hand, women assume, wrongly, that if they work hard, others will notice, and give them credit. Sorry Gals, wrong assumption! Women must learn the art of self-promotion, in order to succeed in the male dominated business arena. When a star gets top billing from a studio, it is not because the studio recognized her as a top star, but because her agent negotiated that position for her.. Men already know inherently about self-promotion. Their hormonal makeup supplies that incentive. Women must learn to acquire it.
Of course there are always exceptions to the rules, a reticent male, more aggressive women, but remember, they are exceptions.
How Do You, As A Business Builder, & Leader Utilize This Material?
Men, & women working together for the same goals, and receiving the same pay in networking, for their efforts, is a great step forward, but it also carries some pitfalls. Among those pitfalls, is the inability to gender communicate.
Wanting to know just how pervasive a problem it might be, I asked several friends in various companies, and of various genders, to present their opportunities to me. I have to say, that in all honesty, I was primed to look for mistaken terminologies, and attitudes, ergo, this was not a strictly clean test result. However it was enlightening to say the least.
Over the years, I have worked with many different networking entities, and after listening to their presentations, I had mentally altered it to fit my female gender criteria. Now, at the time I didn’t realize that that was why I was revising it, but now I do! Here is a sample of what I would do:
1. Mentally I noted that what I was hearing, was not what I, as a woman wanted to know, or hear, so I added those things.
2. I not only allowed more time for questions, I inserted answers into the presentation. I did this by asking questions. What are you looking for? How much time do you envision being able to give to this business? How do you feel about networking? etc.
3. Lastly, I allowed time for observations based on the answers I received. People in general, and women in particular, like to know that they have been listened to. So, while I have listed this as item #3, it is not last in importance by any means!
I did this unconsciously, because they were men, and I was a woman! Will every woman do this? NO, that is why this information is so critical!
Communication skills are an important tool! Learning to aim at our target audience, whether male or female, may eventually mean the difference between success or failure. Why do I say this? We have a tremendous field of competition to deal with today, on the internet, and off. Many companies are adopting more lucrative pay plans, and updating their productlines to reflect the desires of the public. At some point, payplans, and products cease to be as critical an issue, as selling techniques, and savvy!
*Recommended reading: Mars & Venus In The Workplace by John Gray, Ph.D.
“ In an environment where people closely guard their personal feelings, the ability to anticipate what others may be feeling, wanting, and needing gives both men, & women a tremendous advantage.” John Gray, Ph.D.
** It’s Happening Today: US Commerce Secretary Donald L. Evans spoke on Fox Network 4/28/2004, and reiterated the phenomenal growth of ‘Women Owned’ Businesses. He said Women Owned Businesses are not only more successful, but employ more people then “Men Owned’ Businesses in general.” And that, “While it is true that many families are two income families ‘Women Owned Businesses’ comprise a large portion of that figure.
PS I would also like to add that although the differences exist in every work environment they become far more critical in an environment where there is NO face-to-face interaction! Networking does not always allow for the very interaction that is so critical to effective teamwork! Therefore, understanding gender differences can be a valuable tool for those who must interact long distance.
Beverly Armstrong
Official AdlandPro Network Marketing Publication & Tutorial Advisor
At 3:30 PM,
RetiredTeacherD David Black said…
Hi Beverly,
Great points as always.
Folks, I am a friend of Beverly's at AdlandPro. I would like to give her my personal endorsement. She is one of the most gifted writers I have ever seen.
She is professional from top to bottom.
When she speaks or writes it is not through idleness.
You know something else, Beverly is courageous. She knows how to stand her ground with bull headed fouls like me.
She also knows when to be silent, to back down for the better good.
She has a heart of gold. She will work her fingers to the bone for you if you are on the right side.
Yes, Folks, you have a real jewel here with Beverly.
Treat her kindly, please.
At 4:23 AM,
jeffreyobrien said…
Hello Beverly,
Hope your health is better this year and smiling as usual you are a fighter keep your chin up my friend and remember words are very meaningless unless we mean them.
Beverly Get well soon
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